Category: News

100% Finishing Project Dongyang Epoxy Indonesia

Setelah beberapa bulan sudah menjalani project disalah satu perusahaan daerah Salatiga ini, akhirnya salah satu project dongyang epoxy indonesia ini sudah tahap finishing. Project yang luasnya 56.000 m2 ini pun memang direncanakan selesai pada bulan Awal Juni. Epoxy pada project ini terbagi menjadi 2 bagian, lantai 1 dan lantai 2. Beberapa kesulitan pun dihadapi oleh […]
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Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia

The key to the success of any logistics contract is good logistics management. The key to good management is the ability to identify the needs of the client and the countries in which the work will take place, as well as being in a position to advise the best way forward. In today’s international and remote locations, experience and understanding of logistics operations and local networks is vital. With the many years of experience in our team, we have a detailed understanding of the criticality or every aspect of the logistics world.
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Salah Satu Project Running dari Dongyang Epoxy Indonesia

The key to the success of any logistics contract is good logistics management. The key to good management is the ability to identify the needs of the client and the countries in which the work will take place, as well as being in a position to advise the best way forward. In today’s international and remote locations, experience and understanding of logistics operations and local networks is vital. With the many years of experience in our team, we have a detailed understanding of the criticality or every aspect of the logistics world.
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